ICT Early Career Researcher Workshop, Oxford 2014

February 2014

EPSRC’s Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Theme held this workshop as part of its on-going commitment to support the development of early career researchers.

The two-day workshop provided a forum for early career researchers from across the ICT research landscape to engage with academic mentors, guest speakers and EPSRC staff. Workshop sessions provided advice on funding opportunities and career development, networking activities and discussions on the impact of ICT research, responsible innovation and the development of strategies to benefit UK ICT research.
Prior to the workshop, participants were invited to provide a short title and longer description answering the question:

"Which research topic in ICT is currently of greatest interest to you?"

Participants were then invited to sort the resulting topics into coherent groups. These groups are shown below, with the colours used to refer to them at the meeting. To see the longer descriptions for any coloured area, or the researchers who were interested in the topics within, simply click on it.

Grouped Research Topics

Please click on an area to see more details below.

Well Sorted Red Blue Green Orange Purple Yellow Pink

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Orange Group

Group MembersDescription
A new computing paradigm on many-core concurrencyI am interested to translate my concurrency programming knowledge in many-core architectures onto the image processing area. I aim to provide system-wide solutions to visual information processing area for low energy consumption, high performance.
Optimal execution of multiscale modelsMultiscale models couple multiple mathematics and numerics, posing a challenge wrt the optimisation for distributed computational architectures. How they impact on the execution of biomedical multiscale models? Which strategy optimises performance?
Best Practices in Computational ScienceScientists in many fields publish research based on computational results, but are not usually well-trained in programming or software engineering. Can best practice and cloud computing improve the quality and reproducibility of computer experiments?
Software SustainabilitySoftware sustainability has been identified as one of the key challenges in the development of scientific and engineering software. My current research focuses the role of architectural-level reasoning about sustainability.

Suggested Names:

Smart Computational Infrastructure
Wise Computing
Computational Infrastructures and Practice
Verification Program Analysis

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