ICT Early Career Researcher Workshop, Oxford 2014
February 2014
EPSRC’s Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Theme held this workshop as part of its on-going commitment to support the development of early career researchers.
The two-day workshop provided a forum for early career researchers from across the ICT research landscape to engage with academic mentors, guest speakers and EPSRC staff. Workshop sessions provided advice on funding opportunities and career development, networking activities and discussions on the impact of ICT research, responsible innovation and the development of strategies to benefit UK ICT research.
Prior to the workshop, participants were invited to provide a short title and longer description answering the question:
"Which research topic in ICT is currently of greatest interest to you?"
Participants were then invited to sort the resulting topics into coherent groups. These groups are shown below, with the colours used to refer to them at the meeting. To see the longer descriptions for any coloured area, or the researchers who were interested in the topics within, simply click on it.
Pink Group
Group Members | Description |
Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things | Topics related to the efficiency and robustness of WSNs' structure, routing and in-network localization; also things on a higher level about sensor and WSNs data modelling, processing, aggregation and sharing both in-network, cross-network and on IoT. |
Energy Harvesting Communication Networks | Wireless networks of nodes running on harvested ambient energy present unique design challenges. My research focuses on the design of intelligent communication protocols to exploit limited and intermittent energy in the most efficient manner. |
Microwave antennas | Design and optimisation of antennas for wireless communication at microwave frequencies. This includes wearable (incl. embroidered) or inkjet printed antennas; use of metamaterials; 3D printed substrates and advanced synthetic materials |
RF and Microwave Devices and Communications | My future research area will be on 4G and 5G communication systems including power amplifiers, receivers and transmitters up to 100GHz. I am also interested in wireless energy harvesting using rectennas. |
RF & Microwave Communication | Body-Centric antennas & propagation for healthcare applications. Enabling technology for intelligent wireless sensor networks. |
Dynamic spectrum access/cognitive radio systems | Cognitive spectrum and radio resource management, spectrum monitoring/measurements, statistical modelling of spectrum occupancy, spectrum sensing techniques, prototyping and experimental evaluation of DSA/CR solutions. |
Optical Wireless Communications. | Providing ubiquitous connectivity via the application of Optical Wireless as a complementary technology to the currently established wired and conventional RF wireless systems. |
Suggested Name:
Communication Systems